Thursday, January 28, 2010

Almost popsicle.

Hey people! Yes, I've arrived in UK safe and sound. Thank you for your wishes.
Its 6am local time now as I'm writing this. Nop, I did not wake up that early, the truth is, I have not slept at all!
Prolly had more than enough sleep on the plane and in the car already.
On second thought, perhaps I will catch some sleep after I finish this. So, I'm gonna keep things short and sweet.

I'm flying with flipflops! Trust me, its super comfy! But never ever forget to bring along another pair of footwear because it might be 6degrees Celsius out there!

Just testing out my camera. So happens they didn't quite having a smooth time with the custom.

Its 4pm M'sia time when I hopped on board. They didn't turn on the aircon yet. It was freaking hot! Sweat like mad.

The cliché flight photo. I don't understand why but maybe you guys want prove that I did not lie about flying away. Lol. Ignore me. 

Air Asia Comfort Kit. Neck pillow, Blanket and Eye mask.

Malaysia food. Not bad at all. It was served steaming hot.

Krispy Kreme Doughnut. RM8 per box of 2. I don't know what has got into my mind in to tricking me to buy these. It's so overrated, and I bet they are frozen doughnuts. I contemplated for a long time, but I was really hungry... so I gave in. )=

Stansted Air Port car park. Got lost a bit there, its chilllllyy wiillyy colddd. 

Very bad focus photos taken. Its freezing cold! Considering what I wore: MNG boyfriend shirt with white spag, black leggings and short heel boots and black Zara jacket. Explains the shivering hands. Oh I must say this, black leggings Alice helped me buy is so good! Its quite thick and it can really keep the legs warm. And its like what, 18bucks? I'm so loving it.

I should start working on my souvenir list. Just in case I missed out anyone. will update again tmr.


Hit Me.