Thursday, March 18, 2010

The perfect dessert.

Yours truly royal highness's attempt baking number 2.
In case you're scared by the name of it, and is afraid that it's difficult to make, 
trust me, if a thirteen year old can, anybody can. 
Superb easy and effortless. 

AC Guide 101. 

^ Search for suitable recipe
Tip: It's very important to read the comments of a particular recipe article, 
because people who tried would comment on errors and faults. If you're lucky,
they will suggest something better. 

^ Prepare the ingredients. I do it in orderly manner because when I get panic, I'll make a big mess, usually. 

3 medium cooking apples
granulated sugar   180grams (6oz)
butter   120grams (4oz)
self-raising flour   150grams (5oz)

Optional Ingredients
 3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup oats or Corn Flakes


1. Mix butter with flour in a dry bowl. Use a fork (or hands if you prefer) whisk it until you have a texture like breadcrumbs. I personally took ten minutes, and my crumbs ain't very fine.  

2. Add 4(not all 6 ounces) of sugar. If you want to add cornflakes or same sort, mix in now. Continue to make the mixture more like breadcrumbs. Hence, your crumble is done and ready. 

^ Mine looked like a lazy man's work. Ha. 

3. Skin and quarter the apples. Then, slice them thinly. You might want to fasten your chopping because the apples turn yellow-brown very quick. That is also the reason why you don't precut them in the first place. 

4. Use baking tray or casserole dish, whichever suitable, and lay flat the apple slices at the bottom. 
Evenly spread the leftover 2ounces of sugar, and cinnamon powder (highly encourage). It makes the pudding smells really good!   

5. Fill up the tray with the crumble mixture and it is good to go! 
....into the oven. 

Heat settings are 180C / 350F / Gas Mark 5 
for 40minutes. 

My end product. I honestly show the burnt bit because it is VERY IMPORTANT to keep an eye during the baking because tad bit longer can result in back crumble topping! 

The winning look. HA. 

Credits: Awesome anonymous.  

Oh my, within half an hour everything is done. Just five easy steps! My apple crumble taste divine! This is probably the easiest baking ever. No worries about undercooked dough, or anything. 
Do try! Would love feedbacks. (= 

mEan : 
" Even the worst apple loather loves apple crumble. "


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