A beautiful Sunday.
... that was before I fell sick.
I tell you, it was the worst feeling I've ever felt in my entire life. Not to say I get fever very often. I reckon, probably twice a year? except for occasional flu and cold. That was some feelings I'll never get to adapt. My whole body was aching, head was aching, nausea and feeling cold especially my feet. All together can really torture being barely able to sleep. Almost burst into tears just like in my younger years.
When I first realised I was having fever, I contemplated whether to tell my mom (we share the same bedroom) or not. Well, its silly when I came to the thought about it. I actually tossed and turned on the bed for a couple of hours before deciding to pop the news. Considering the fact that she was fast asleep and I didn't want to disturb her.
She gave me two pills and soon I found myself sleeping as well. I woke up all sweaty (probably the effects of panadols), so sweaty I could rip of all my clothes. No! I did not do that. Surprisingly I was able to force myself back to sleep.
I could recall my last fever, a couple months back. A much better experience than this. At least for a selfless bf to tuck in with me at night despite I'm all sweaty and grumpy. He puts wet towel on my head, he forced me to take extra large pills, and he even drove me around klcc durng late night because he knows those pretty lights are my favourite and could really cheer me up. Too bad the lights wasn't on that night. Hmm. Its the thought that counts ey! I begged to skip math class the next day, but he insisted on driving me to and fro. He suggested to pack my favourite porridge before going home, which I did not quite finish it. Not even close. I felt so much like a princess at that time. In his eyes, at least. I swear I might have said I love to be sick when he's around! Haha, okay that's just plain stupid.
Oh well, I'm all better now! But there's still somehow a one-sided pain in my head. It makes me look all spastic in the face when the pain strike. fml. I sure hope it will be gone tomorrow. I've never drank so much water before in my life. Sigh, for the sake of getting better. I'm sure I have gallons of water debt in my body. Nuff exaggerations, I'm off for some supper.
yours truly and Jan from XFactor!
tarr, xoxo.
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