Saturday, April 24, 2010

I need somebody who understands.

How much of an idiot am I, thinking that I can survive two days without the internet.
Tested and proven, I can't. I reached out for dad's netbook in a very eager manner at the first hour I'm awake.
My journey started at 6.30am. I slept through the whole journey and even dreamt! That's something I have not try before.
I have no idea what time I arrived but I remember sleep walking into the wrong room and just crashed. (and I'm still in my shades!) Then, I woke up at 12pm, my usual time to be awake.

Out of pure sincerity of preserving a blissful weekend spent with family members,
dad busy watching tele. We have so limited covnersations to talk about, mainly because
the way he replies is very put off.
Sis and Doug is taking a nap. A very long nap.
Mom is on cleaning mode. As much as she want to put the whole house into the washing machine,
grr, you catch my drift.

Reality's a bitch....and I'm bored. Sweating in the living room even with two aircons.


Hit Me.