Wednesday, July 9, 2008


...some names they use to tease me. ugh.

I had big appetite today. Or perhaps, everyday.
Thank you carol, for intro-ing the tarts.
It was godliness. Definately made his day!
He just fell in love with me, again. (=
The sad part is, we kept one last one after dinner.
Too bad it was invaded by ants. SIGH.
Prolly get some more tomorrow.
blueberry cheese tart is better than the strawberry ones.
Oh Me Love!

My very first song! 'Always be my baby'.
Know? Remember my previous post saying hun
strummed for me?
Ha.. I actually know how to play it myself already.
And have audience too!
People like Jane, Nicole, Richard and of cuz my hun.
Those people are just plain awesome.
They requested over and over again to encore the song.
Especially Jane and Nic. They adore me so much.
' awww, werent they sweet ? '
Did i tell you that all of them are musical talented?
I'm saying ALL of them.
Pieces and pieces of certs as proofs for their achievements
in music.
You bet, i certainly am pretty proud of myself. hee.

'HHAHAHahahahaHAHAHA' uh hem. Pardon me.


Hit Me.