Last Saturday was the 18th of October!
Never once we failed to celebrate it together every
month, rainy or stormy.
Dining with us White: Richard & Jane
Black: Bill & Mean
Yarr, Mixed: Nicholas & Nicole
with mouthfull of sushi.
Soon enough when Nicole arrived...
After dinner, we carried our big tummy, dropped by BerryPassion for berrillicous desserts take-away and went Archade for Daytona. ..guys. That wasnt the end, we went for another two rounds of Bowling and a more late night movie, MaxPayne.
We came out from the mall around 1:30am. Ahhh, late eh?? But noooo, some people want to play pool before going back Kuantan. We headed RackCafe and spent another one and a half hour playing foosball and pool. Yeah, outing marathon. wee. That ended the awesome night/morning. (=
P/S: i XO you.