Saturday, July 10, 2010

Judgement day on Monday.

Dearly beloveds,

Let me introduce to you to a new psychotic friend here. His name is Paul.
Probably many would have known, but are you putting your trust in him? (Or should I said, It.)

Anyway, before the World Cup wraps up with the new Champion, 
have some thought of putting all your life's-dust collecting properties on who Paul choose to be the winner for this season. 
Disclaimer: Play at your own risk.

just one of the many you can find in Youtube.

What kind of conspiracy they are plotting? No one knows.
By chance, or by destiny.
For all you know, the fella who formerly rare it have trained the Paul-topus some funny tricks.
And now, He*slash*It (whatever you want to call it) might be the national treasure for his country.
I'm pretty sceptical aren't I.  =p

Long live Spain!!


Hit Me.