Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Canon Hill Park.

... well, it's more of my family's happy portraits. Most of them are taken at Canon Hill Park. It's  an awfully huge park for the public. We went there two years back, and we came back again. The park is just 5mins drive from home. I hardly have any sleep the night before but I woke up early for breakfast and there we went. 
I was contemplating before whether would I miss UK when I'm back, because when I was away I was having terrible home-sick! Truth be told, I miss the so many-many in UK, the weather, the food and even the trainsportation! (train+transportation) Nonetheless, nothing beats these two treasures.  

Abby and Samuel. 
It'd be very stingy of me if I were to show you only one picture of them, so I collaged it! They are sooo adooorable aren't theyyy.  

Before going out to the park. Snapped a quick one while everyone is getting Sammy ready. 
pretty. young. thing. 

The children's area. I personally think I'm officially too old for it. Considering there's quite a crowd of parents and kids, I have to resist the fun and behave, even though I wanted to join in, quite badly. 

She's probably the only Asian kid there, who doesn't act like one. They are totally the opposite of timid and shy. I'm afraid if I joined in, I'll cuddle them like mad. They could easily lure me with their cuteness. Gee, I sounded like a paedophile.  

Like father like son. No better proverbs to caption this. 

If you can notice the ripples throughout the lake/river, it was pretty windy that day. I was literally tearing. So cold and I still insist leaving my coat in the car. Big mistake.  

MomAndrea joined in the fun. I don't remember being so close with my parents when I was that young. Why, actually I don't remember anything about my childhood! fml. 

This boy is so going to be handsome when he grows up. She called him ''best friend of the day''. 

Kong kong and Po po. 

Girl Power! 

We are the majority. Ngek ngek. 

Tan's Family. 

I promised her an Ice Cream if she takes a photo with me. Nop, in the end I didn't get it for her. I'm so mean I know! Some more I almost tripped her when we're playing catchy-catchy, ACCIDENTALLY. 

Aw, I love this picture! Everyone looked so happy! 

I miss my niece and nephew so much. 

Every day comes only once in a life time, in fact, every second. 
Why wasting them holding on to pointless grudges? 
I choose to love, to care and to be nice. 
I hope you would too. 


Hit Me.